Sunday, 1 June 2014

STOP TRYING TO MAKE 'FETCH' HAPPEN: Words That Should Definitely Be A Thing (And Words That Should Go Away)

So apparently, 'Twerk' and 'Selfie' have been promoted to actual proper word status and will be included in the Oxford English Dictionary.

I'm no Shakespeare but I do love to throw two words together to make an awesome new word. Surely, the world is in greater need for the word 'Damorrow' than Twerk? See what you think!

Damorrow (noun)
Day after tomorrow. How, in 2014, isn't there a word for this yet?

Tungy (verb)
Tongue hungry. You're not actually really hungry in your stomach, but you want the taste of something in your mouth. Usually chocolate.
Feed Me Hungry animated GIF

Fakeaway (noun)
Becoming a student sadly shatters the myth that takeaways are cheap. Getting in pizzas from Tescos not Dominoes, or a curry from The Sainbury's not The Spice is much more purse friendly and now comes with a catchy new name!

Gradual (noun)
You know where you put your job in application forms/surveys - this should be an option. A graduate who is in limbo, either waiting for a job to start, has no idea what they want to do or saving up for travelling. Anything that makes us look like something other than a Jeremy Kyle dole option. Obviously, the name sake of your favourite blog too.

Fetch (adjective)
Because we should all overpower Regina George and make fetch happen.

Words that should be stopped, immediately.

Belfie (noun)
Horrible fusion of 'bum' and 'selfie', pretty sure Daily Mail is the culprit here. As well as making taking pictures of your own bum in the mirror sound normal enough that it constitutes it's own word, it just sounds ugly.

Bikini Bridge (noun)
A thing girls must have in order to be attractive.. along with a thigh gap, good waist-hip ratio, big boobs, peachy bum, a flat stomach and god knows what else. Never mind that this indicates pelvic bones sticking out above your uber-flat stomach, which surely can't be healthy, the media needs to stop inventing new measures for women to judge themselves by.

Cheeky (adjective)
I'M SO SORRY I KNOW EVERYONE LOVES THIS WORD. But this overuse has to stop. Not every drink/exam result/night out you have is 'cheeky'. You did not get a 'cheeky' first, you got a well deserved first, enjoy it!