1. Yes, I get freebies.
This is one of the first questions I get asked when I say where I work. And yes, freebies are as abundant as you might think & yes, it's also as wonderful as you'd imagine! I'm literally running out of places to put stuff. I remember begrudgingly handing over money for shampoo about 6 months after my internship finished (and I was back at uni) with a heavy heart. Don't worry though - you'll be pleased to know my stocks are replenished and my hair now always looks bouncy and full of life.. bouncier, anyway.
From random new product desk drops (where everyone in the company gets a product on their desk in the morning) to perfume samples to ridiculous discounts on the internal staff shop, the freebies are undeniably one of the best perks to working backstage in the beauty industry.
2. Honestly..
You should trust us a little bit more! Every single peice of information about a product that we put out there has gone through a rigorous legal procedure to make sure were not deceiving consumers. Seriously, if it says it makes your skin softer IT WILL BLOODY MAKE YOUR SKIN SOFTER! If it says your wrinkles will appear reduced, we can't just make that shizz up.
You might be interested to know that the UK are also the most strict with these regulations, especially with Photoshop. You should see some of the other countries ads - they've been airbrushed so much they may as well have had an oil painting commissioned.
3. Frenemies
So, did you know that loads of beauty brands are owned by the same company? You did? Well did you know by "owned" we don't mean there's loads of different companies dotted around the country with a few big dogs in charge somewhere else.. They're all very cosily under one roof. Marketing for Garnier suncare literally sit closer to Maybelline marketing that Garnier haircare, and the team for YSL Beauty regularly go for coffees with LancĂ´me. Cosy right?
4. Not so copy-cats
So if you see a product launched by one company, followed by a very similar product launched by a competitor a few months later - they've clearly pinched their idea, right? Probably not. New products take about 18months on average to launch, and that's when the product has been created, tested and finalised!
It's closer to five years to create a new product from scratch, so actually, seeing a competitor release something similar a few months before is more like seeing someone post all over Facebook wearing that killer outfit you've been saving for a special occasion next week. Bastards.
5. Yes, it is because I'm worth it.
And no, I've never heard that one before...
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